DogTracks is available to download for iOS and Android, and is the leading app for tracking with your dog, both professionally and for fun.
With DogTracks, you first walk the track and lay out the articles and mark their position on the map
in the phone.
When your dog follows the trail, DogTracks will draw a new track and automatically mark the articles
When both you and your dog have finished the track, you will see a map image that shows both your
tracks, which articles have been found,
how far you have walked and how long time it has taken.
Read more about tracking
With DogTracks Online, all your tracks are saved on our servers.
This means that you always have access to a backup copy of your tracks.
If you change the phone or if the accident should occur and you lose your phone, you can always get
your saved tracks back.
Because your tracks are stored on our servers, they can be easily accessed via any computer or
Just open a web browser and browse to and log in with the same information that you
use to log in to the app.
Read more about Sync
Shared happiness is double happiness!
With DogTracks Online you can easily share your track results with all your track friends and your
friends will share their results with you. You can like and comment on each other’s tracks and in a
way encourage and help each other to even better results.
Read more about Share
I started using DogTracks in March 2024. I use the App to record my Trails that I do with my dogs through my sport Trail Hunt International.
I absolutely love the app, its accuracy is amazing and has so many useful features like ‘Clone Track’ and ‘Flag drop’ it fits in perfectly for me.
I am very impressed with the accuracy of the tracking and find using the app extremely easy. I would recommend DogTracks to anyone who is Tracking or Trailing with their dogs as a must for recording your training sessions.
Alexandra, Trail Hunt International
I have been using the free version of the DogTracks App for the past few months to track my dogs’ trails and It has been easy to use.
I love that you can drop a flag at certain points along the trail to indicate either a dropped item or a gap in the trail. If you need to use the same runner trail more than once, you can export via email either to yourself or a friend, and import it into the app.
I have recently upgraded to the full version of the app as there are more features available. I haven’t used all of them yet, but when you’re laying the track/trail there’s an audio voice giving you the distance travelled which is handy. All in all a great, useful app for tracking and trailing.
För att göra det enklare och roligare att spåra använder jag Dogtracks spårapp. På det sättet håller jag hela tiden reda på hur spåret ser ut och vart jag (eller någon annan) lagt apporterna.
Speciellt viktigt blir detta om spåret har lite mer liggtid eller om man lägger flera spår.
Jag som ofta håller kurser eller har folk med mig när jag spårar skulle aldrig kunna hålla reda på alla spår om jag inte hade dom i appen.
En annan fördel är ju att man också kan dela spåren med sina träningskamrater. Fördelen blir då att jag kan få mitt spår lagt av någon annan och ändå hämta spåret utan att spårläggaren behöver vara med.
För oss som håller på med långa spår eller långa liggtider är detta en stor hjälp.
Jag kan t.ex. lägga ut ett spår till min träningskamrat klockan 09.00, skicka spåret till kamraten som kan åka dit och ta spåret på lunchen och ändå veta exakt var och hur spåret går, utan att jag behöver vara med. På kvällen kan vi över telefon prata igenom spåret och eventuella svårigheter.
Ulf Fröjdendahl